
Why use a Pressure Care Cushion?

Pressure care cushions are products used to help relieve discomfort and pain caused by spending a lot of time in the same position. These products are designed using pressure-relief materials. There is a wide range of such products on the market, such as basic foam, gel, and air. The type of material that is used depends on the particular situation and level of pressure-relief required. Different materials offer varying results.

Types of materials used to make pressure care cushions

Below are some of the most common types of pressure care cushions in the market and their benefits.

1. Gel

The gel is the most commonly used type of material used to make pressure care cushions. It is also one of the most comfortable types because its shape can adhere to fit different kinds of body types. The gel comes in various forms that can be used in pressure care cushions in varying shapes and designs. The most common way in which gel is used in pressure care cushions is through tiny balls and polygons. The upside of gel is that it is one of the most stable materials. It can also absorb vibrations; hence it is suitable for people looking for a high, medium, and low levels of pressure-relief.

2. Memory foam

Memory foam pressure care cushions are the most cost-efficient type on the market. Their low cost does not influence their effectiveness as they are luxuriously comfortable and offer maximum support. Memory foam cushions also come in various shapes and densities because of the different compositions of the materials. This type is easy to maintain and malleable. Due to its composition, it can help with medium and low-risk pressure levels.

3. Air or Alternating air

Some pressure care cushions feature an air chamber, which helps users to suspend air pockets when using them. Air cushions apply a technique that uses air pressure to lift the user off the surface of contact. Cushions using air are often attached to a pump. One of the benefits of air cushions is that they are highly lightweight. However, they require a lot of maintenance, and they are not as durable because they can easily be punctured. However, they are perfect for high-risk pressure situations.

4. Fluid

Different types of fluids, apart from water, can be applied in pressure care cushions. Fluid cushions are ideal for people with low, medium, and high-risk pressure situations. However, it is worth noting that in pressure care cushions, the fluid is often combined with other materials.

In addition to the materials mentioned above, there are also combination types of pressure care cushions. The most common types of combination cushions are gel and air, foam and air, and foam and fluid. Combination pressure care cushions are beneficial because they offer the benefits of both kinds of materials.

Benefits of using pressure care cushions

Pain relief- one of the main benefits of pressure care cushions is that they offer comfort for pain that comes from high-pressure situations. Such high-pressure situations include sitting in the same position for a long time. For this reason, they are used in wheelchairs, on car seats, and at work, where people spend a lot of time in the same position. This is also particularly true for elders that suffer from pressure sores. For instance, memory foam ring cushions have a unique cutout in the middle, which helps eliminate all the pressure from sore areas and wound.

Comfort- pressure care cushions are also highly comfortable. This happens when the cushions prevent pressure-related sores and issues. However, it is worth noting that comfort is influenced by the type of material used in the cushions. The shape and design of the cushion also play a role in their comfort. For instance, gel cushions adapt to the weight and shape of the user hence fostering comfort.

Weight distribution- these products are designed to distribute weight effectively hence preventing the occurrence of issues like back pains.

Posture- pressure care cushions also help promote better posture while sitting. Poor posture is one of the main contributors to pressure issues like backaches.

For elderlies with hip and knee problems, pressure cushions promote correct alignment of their legs while they sleep. By doing so, they help reduce the risk of stretched tendons and ligaments. This provides comfort during sleep.

Pressure cushion experts Nordic Care recommended replacing your pressure cushion every 3 years, or sometimes less.

When can you use pressure care cushions?

You can use pressure care cushions if you need:

• Support for a sore or injured knee
• If you suffer from hip problems
• If you spend long hours sitting in the same position as office workers
• If you require a therapeutic cradle for your neck

Pressure care cushions can be used by anyone looking to get some comfort from different levels of pressure. From adults to kids and elders, there isn’t a limit to who can use these cushions. However, you may want to consider the design, shape, and material when choosing a pressure cushion that is ideal for you.

About the author

David Evans

David is Editor-in-chief.

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