Home Improvement

Does an Extension Add Value to a House

glass extension

Everyone desires to live in the house of their dreams, a maisonnette, a bungalow, or even a townhouse. With the rising demand for real estate and the rising prices due to this demand, acquiring the house you desire could cost you quite a fortune. Increasing the space by putting up an extension could solve some of your space problems and increase the value of your house simultaneously.

Benefits of an Extension

A glass extension gives your house extra natural lighting and a great modern outlook in general for the house. This extension type provides an open space to have a quiet and well-lit area for breakfast as a family. 

Glass extensions can regulate the amount of heat reaching its inside. In the summers, the glass regulates the heat to make the area cool, while in the winters, the room becomes warm. Since an extension increases the house’s total value, a glass box extension is sure to add more value because of the energy efficiency of the glass. Using a quality glass extension company for the construction will assure durability and an expert finish.

Choose Quality Materials

Whether a glass one or brick-made with large windows, an extension lets in a lot of light. This light helps in cutting the cost of electricity bills by allowing natural light in. During the cold times, the warm atmosphere inside the extension helps in reducing the bills too by not using the heaters. 

A single-storey extension will increase your house’s value. Still, try putting up a two-storey extension; you can get a significant increase of almost double that of a single-storey. If you are looking to sell the house or rent it out, this two-storey extension could help you get more for the house. Although it will cost you more, it is worth investing in a bigger cheque on selling it.

Putting up the extension may be expensive; however, it can be put to different uses. This will, in turn, scale down the price of three more rooms to one extension room. The house extension can be used for various purposes; sometimes, it can be a play area for children. Other times it can be used for family dinner. You can also customise the room by adding special features for different functions. This unique feature makes an extension essentially valuable.

If you were considering moving out because of less space in your house, an extension could work for you. Moving out itself is a whole process, let alone purchasing a new home. The money you could use to move out can help you construct the extension and still be left with some to keep. 

Finding the Right Design Professional

Your home extension can be a product of your personal preference and liking. You can speak with the GlasSpace glass extension specialists about the type of design you might like together with all the specifications you would want. The extension, once done, will portray what you wish, making you love the idea of an extension instead of moving out.

More often than not, people get home extensions due to a change in lifestyle. During this corona virus pandemic, many resulted to working from home. Trying to put up an office space in your home calls for an extension so that you do not interfere with the house setup. An extension will suit you best with the perfect insulation, lighting and privacy. 

Putting up an extension can also help to transform a house. Particularly for houses located on a slope, one side of the house could not have proper lighting. Incorporating a house extension could end up bringing a whole new outlook to the house with increased lighting for better living. 

Moving out for a better house is not always the best move. Leaving a house full of memories is a big step. You can always extend your house to suit your preference and increase space for better living. Furthermore, there are more benefits than losses. The extension has an economic value and so when you would want to sell the house, you can get more money from it.

About the author

David Evans

David is Editor-in-chief.

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